News article featured image on Creator & Audience Lookalikes

New ‘Lookalikes’ Filters Now Available in GRIN’s Creator Search Tool for Instagram

Working with an Instagram creator you absolutely love? Wish you could find five…ten…twenty more just like them? Now you can with two new search filters designed to help brands discover the perfect creators for their programs.

GRIN’s Creator Lookalikes and Audience Lookalikes filters for Instagram enable users to easily identify creator prospects with traits similar to their top performers. This allows brands to scale their roster with creators who match a proven formula for success. 

  • Creator Lookalikes: Search for creators with a similar content style and interests. 
  • Audience Lookalikes: Search for creators with similar audience demographics, behaviors, and interests. 

These new Lookalike filters provide added power to an already robust Creator Search tool. 

With Creator Search at their fingertips, users can access millions of profiles across Instagram and TikTok. This tool makes it simple to: 

  • Filter by key metrics, including follower count, engagement rate, or audience demographics. 
  • Search for keywords in a creator’s bio to hone in on a specific niche. 
  • View creator profiles, including sample content and performance metrics. 
  • Add top prospects directly to your CRM with just a few clicks. 
  • And now, browse Instagram Lookalikes to find creators similar to your top performers. 

Creator Search is just one of five tools featured in GRIN’s industry-leading Creator Discovery Suite

Visit to learn more about leveling up your creator program with these best-in-class features. 

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