The Strategies & Effectiveness of Influencer Marketing: 2023 Report

GRIN is the ultimate influencer marketing solution for thousands of today’s most innovative brands. Check out our latest report to see their stories and strategies used to get the most out of our leading Creator Management platform.

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What’s in the report?

We aggregated survey results and testimonials from more than 300 GRIN customers to learn more about their influencer marketing strategies and how they use our Creator Management platform to accomplish their goals. 

Influencer marketing is an essential strategy. 

About 90% of GRIN customers say they see positive results from influencer marketing, while many have leveraged the strategy to become major players in their respective industries.

Learn from the industry’s best.

Get a behind-the-scenes look at strategies the pros are using to keep their influencer marketing campaigns fresh in 2023.  

It’s time for brands to evolve.

Successful influencer marketing generates results that traditional forms of advertising can no longer compete with. This report shares insights into what’s now the #1 way to increase brand awareness, conversions, and sales online.

Make the most of your influencer marketing program with the all-in-one creator management platform designed to help you build more authentic, brand-boosting relationships.

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