G2 Summer Report 2023

Ecommerce Integration

Influencer Collaboration

Data Importing & Exporting Tools

Quality of Support

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What’s in this guide?

The results are in! GRIN’s Creator Management platform finished the season as the leader in the influencer marketing software space, according to G2 Crowd. Find out from real users what makes GRIN a favorite among professionals in the creator economy.

Tools save you 40+ hours/week

From discovering brand-aligned creators to reporting the success of your entire program, GRIN empowers you to cut the busywork and keep headcount low. 

The best support in the game

Our greatest superpower is our people. The GRIN support team goes above and beyond to make sure your program is the best it can be.

Real reviews from real users

Hear the GRIN love straight from the mouths of some of the most innovative influencer marketers in the creator economy. 

Make the most of your influencer marketing program with the all-in-one creator management platform designed to help you build more authentic, brand-boosting relationships.

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