Video Game Influencer Marketing Case Study with Schell Games

Schell Games Influencer Marketing Case Study 2 1

About Schell Games

Schell Games is a game design and development company based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that creates video games and interactive experiences for education and entertainment.

Objectives & Goals

Schell Games wanted to build hype and drive sales for their latest game release.

Schell Games wanted to build hype and drive sales for their latest game release, I Expect You to Die 2. With a $50,000 budget to work with, Schell Games established the following KPIs for its campaign: CPE less than $1.00, over 1 million impressions, over 1 million creator video views, and at least 30 creator partners.


Schell Games planned its campaign in three phases: Pre-launch (June to August), launch (August), and post-launch (August to December). The two biggest challenges were finding experienced creators in the VR niche and tracking influencer conversions without being able to use affiliate links.

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Soul Fox doing a review for Schell Games



Schell Games allowed its influencers to create its ads. The marketing team gave them creative freedom to produce content using their own voice and messaging on each post to promote authenticity.

GRIN tools used:

  • Creator search. Easily recruited high-performing creators within the AR/VR gaming niche
  • Influencer analysis. Checked creator metrics to ensure all prospects met authenticity standards
  • Outreach. Email integration enabled tailored email and follow-up sequences to prospects 
  • Reporting dashboard. GRIN made it simple to evaluate the entire influencer program and identify ROI.
Scene from I Expect You to Die 2 with Top Secret envelope

The Results

As our video game influencer marketing case study shows, Schell Games’ innovative approach enabled its creators to produce the type of content their audience loves and incentivized the creators to reach out to the brand for future partnerships. 

In six months, Schell Games generated:

  • 48 creator partnerships
  • 1 million video views
  • 1.4 million impressions 
  • CPE of $0.51 
  • 50,000+ engagements

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