8 Best Practices for Working with Finfluencers

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When you think of the word influencer, it’s unlikely that your next thought will be the financial industry. However, the power of influencer marketing is not limited to fashion or travel. Financial influencers—or finfluencers—are a gateway to engaging with a younger audience. 

Good finfluencers have also established trust with their followers and can use this to help build the awareness and integrity of financial brands. There are, though, specific considerations to bear in mind when creating an influencer marketing strategy in the financial industry.  

We’re going to discuss the eight best influencer marketing practices in detail. But first, let’s examine exactly what influencer marketing entails. 

What is finfluencer marketing?

Finfluencer marketing is influencer marketing for financial services and institutions. As influencers continue to play a bigger role in marketing campaigns, more industries are getting in on the act. Recent years have seen the rise of finfluencers, individuals who have carved out a niche in the finance industry. They recognized the need for trustworthy but consumable financial information, particularly among younger generations. 

Finfluencer content covers everything from reviews of products from companies like Paylocity to handling cryptocurrency investments in an unpredictable market. Their appeal is their wealth of knowledge about the finance industry, which lends gravitas to their content and attracts followers looking to expand their financial acumen.

Genuine finfluencers have a loyal following for their expertise and credibility in all things financial. Businesses in the sector have recognized their power and are increasingly turning to these influencer partnerships to endorse their products and services. 

Finfluencer recording a video at a desk

Benefits of finfluencer marketing for financial institutions

These are the biggest advantages of finfluencer marketing. 

Helps customers understand complex financial concepts

Let’s face it, learning complicated financial information isn’t most people’s idea of a good time. This is where finfluencers earn their keep—by breaking down complex financial concepts and transforming dry, technical language into engaging content.

They cover everything from reviews of financial products to providing guidance on handling cryptocurrency investments in an unpredictable market, offering valuable insights into various aspects of the finance industry, including different types of financial models.

In doing so, they provide a relatable front for conveying complicated (but important) information. This makes them extremely valuable to finance companies wanting to overcome obstacles to understanding and attract their target audience to learn more about their services.

Builds trust by demonstrating expertise

Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok influencer marketing for finance involves showcasing industry expertise in an informative and entertaining way. Influencers produce digestible, bite-sized pieces of helpful content to gain the attention and trust of their followers.

Most of us are understandably cautious when it comes to money matters, which is what makes this trust so important. The audience of a finfluencer believes they can rely upon their advice and therein lies their value to finance companies.

Expands reach and boosts brand for financial institutions

Social media has changed marketing for good. Younger generations are more likely to be reached on Instagram than an ad in a newspaper. The same goes for traditional television advertising—these are the generations of streaming services and on-demand, after all. 

Building partnerships with the right finfluencers is an effective way to increase brand visibility and attract millennials, Gen Z and Gen X customers. It is a highly targeted form of marketing that can bring a significant ROI. 

Improves lead generation

When you partner with respected finance influencers, you know you’re getting access to an audience that’s already interested in what you offer. Plus, the trust that these influencers have with their audience means that their product recommendations carry a lot of weight. 

When a finfluencer tells their audience that something is good and worth looking into, their followers are going to listen. This does wonders for lead generation, bringing more eager customers to your door and lifting conversion rates. 

Drives sales through genuine and relatable promotions

Because finfluencers benefit from so much trust from their followers, they are a great avenue through which to introduce promotions to your target audience. 

This is more effective than regular methods of conveying information, as it’s a real person, one they respect, explaining why the product is good and how it can help them. Make sure you work with influencers who are selective about the brands they work with so that when they promote your services it’s genuine and has an impact. 

8 best practices for finfluencer marketing

Follow these tactics to make your finfluencer marketing campaigns a success. 

1. Identify your target audience to know their needs and interests

Before you start scouring Instagram for finfluencers, outlining a strategy, or deciding whether to insource or outsource your influencer relationship management—you need to know your audience. 

Use market segmentation analysis to identify the behaviors and preferences of your target audience. You can also use social media listening tools to track trends and conversations in the financial sector among your chosen demographic. This information will help you select the right finfluencers to partner with. 

2. Create a campaign brief with clear content and deliverable guidelines

To get the most out of your finfluencers partnerships, the campaign briefs must clearly articulate your expectations. Whether you’re promoting payroll services for small businesses or online investment platforms for beginners, you need to outline the content format and messaging you are looking for along with the campaign objectives. 

That being said, remember that the influencer you are working with is successful for a reason. Give them space to be creative and produce content that is true to their style and will therefore resonate as authentic with their audience. They are experienced in these matters, and are more than capable of producing original work that stays within your defined parameters. 

3. Partner with influencers whose values align with your goals

Be judicious when picking influencers. It may be tempting to simply go with ones who have the biggest following, but it’s more important to find ones who align with your brand’s goals and principles. Take a good look at all of their content and evaluate if they’re a good fit for you and if they set an example for financial responsibility. 

You should also be cautious to check that the influencers you approach are the real deal. Look into their follower count and engagement rate and do some checks to make sure they aren’t an imposter—email finder tools can help you verify influencer emails so you know they’re genuine.

4. Stay mindful of emotional aspects in finance on individuals

Financial matters can have an emotional impact on many people and it’s important to discuss this topic with the influencers you work with. Though the technical aspects of finance are important, it is just as important that the content connects emotionally with your target audience. 

It’s through storytelling and empathy that an influencer’s content will resonate on a more personal level with their audience. Posts that detail relatable stories or empathize with the financial challenges followers may be dealing with are highly engaging. These discussions with influencers may require a lot of back and forth, so make sure you have solid content management software to streamline communication. 

5. Communicate potential risks and be clear about speculative views

Making certain boundaries clear is a crucial part of any influencer relationship management, but it’s particularly important for finfluencers. Transparency, in fact, is vital in the finance sector and this includes finfluencer marketing. Make it clear to any influencers you work with that potential risks associated with products or services should be communicated to their audience. 

In the finance industry, this means clarifying that content should be fact-based, whilst avoiding too much speculation. This guarantees the integrity of the information being conveyed. 

6. Ensure adherence to ethical standards and compliance

Finance is an industry that is subject to stringent regulations and ethical advertising standards. Most finfluencers should be well aware of this but you should still communicate formally the regulations and standards that should be adhered to. 

Send clear guidelines in an email or make a PDF so that you have proof of the steps you took to comply with regulatory requirements. These should include the need to be open about paid partnerships and sponsored content. By doing this, you make sure you remain compliant and nurture trust with their audience. 

7. Advocate for self-research as all investments have risks

Though the content finfluencers share should be informative and educational, followers should always be advised to do their own research on financial matters and investments. 

There is only so much information that can be covered in any social media content, so whether the topic is non exempt vs exempt tax status or the intricacies of investment portfolio diversification, it should always be accompanied with encouragement to take ownership of their own financial decisions.

8. Track the results of your campaign and make adjustments as needed

Measure the success of your influencer marketing efforts with analytics tools that evaluate metrics like engagement rates, conversion rates, and audience response. You can also record the calls you get as a result of the campaign using small business VoIP phone systems or virtual contact center software if yours is a larger organization. 

Tracking these metrics will tell you what has worked well and what hasn’t quite hit the mark. You’ll gather the insights you need to refine future campaigns and make informed decisions that will garner improved results.


Influencer marketing is not just the remit of beauty companies and lifestyle brands. More and more financial institutions are recognizing the extraordinary benefits that come with incorporating this modern approach into their marketing campaigns. 

The trust and integrity that finfluencers have built with their loyal following are valuable assets that can be shared through partnerships. Their audiences are already actively engaged in learning more about the finance industry and you can tap into that enthusiasm to introduce your brand to them. 

Using these best practices will help you get the most out of your campaigns. Remember to always maintain the highest ethical and regulatory standards when managing your finfluencer partnerships so that the valuable trust of their audience is protected. 

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Written by Jesse Liszka

Jesse Liszka is the Senior Communications Specialist at Paylocity, leading providers of cloud-based payroll and human capital management software. She is a highly experienced communications, client marketing and content specialist, with more than 12 years of experience.

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