You’re already in the influencer marketing stream. You’re not sure how to balance finding creators, communication, and product fulfillment. We’re your inner tube.GRIN can help you:
Send and track product.
Find which creators perform best.
Communicate with creators similar to your best performers.
You’ve been in the game for a while, and you’re old hat at influencer marketing. But there’s always a way to do it better, faster, and at scale. That’s where we come in. We’re your paddleboard. GRIN can:
Help you track all your campaigns.
Send personalized emails to all your creators at once.
You’re used to managing a lot of moving parts for an enormous organization. What if we told you we could help you reach your goals faster? We’re your jetski. GRIN offers:
An easy way to manage your relationships
Promo code tracking and organization
Ecommerce integrations for simplified product gifting