11 Spa Marketing Ideas for 2024

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As long as there’s work to do, there’s a need for relaxation. Still, spas often struggle to get the word out about their services, and with over 20,000 spas in the US, the struggle will only continue. If we learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, however, it’s that these challenges often mean a simple change in strategy.

Let’s talk about a few spa marketing ideas you can implement in 2024. If you don’t consider your business a spa, don’t click away just yet. Many of these can also be useful for other hospitality endeavors.

1. Start with the basics. 

The power and influence of digital marketing and social media presence cannot be overstated. Before moving on to more concrete spa marketing ideas, let’s discuss the importance of your profile. You have spent a lot of time generating and nurturing a brand for your services. Setting up that brand online is essential to catching more attention.

This means you should have a strong, functioning website where your audience can easily find you, book an appointment, and follow through. If you have a marketplace, a website is also the central platform for all transactions. Ensure that your website is mobile-responsive. It takes further investment, but most users engage through their phones. 

It also means your social media should be active as well. They are an excellent platform for millions of users to find millions of services. Make sure your brand identity is loud and clear.

Set up a mailing list and make the most out of it. A strong e-mail broadcast is great for keeping your community informed outside of social media noise. You can share news, discounts, and packages unique to the mailing list to make these emails a welcome addition in inboxes.

2. Engage your audience.

With the rise of AI-generated text, users are becoming more likely to respond and engage with fully original content. Make use of your webpage to set up a blog where you share your insights about the relaxation industry, tips, or opinions. 

Take your time to discover your brand’s voice online. It’s easier for users to engage with a voice they understand and can connect with than with generic text under amazing pictures. When they reach out, make sure you respond to their interactions. Sure, you can skip the trolls, but even negative reviews are an opportunity to turn the story around.

3. Post often

Keeping a social media account alive may seem daunting and endless. It requires constant posts and activity in order to remain present in the audience’s mind. The kind of content you post is up to you, but ensure you consider the following pointers:

  • Post at least three times a week.
  • Use of hashtags, but don’t overdo it—three to five is enough.
  • Follow your brand guidelines to ensure consistency.
  • Challenge yourself to make use of every feature a platform has to offer—stories, polls, etc.

4. Hire a photographer.

Social media is a visual medium first, but this doesn’t mean you have to be an expert photographer. A professional can bring out the best parts of your studio and your services. This ensures that no potential clients are clicking away from an uninspired picture and missing out on your work. This being said, a good photographer is an excellent addition to all spa marketing ideas.

Man getting a facial in an example of spa marketing ideas

5. Invest in video.

Not every business has to have a YouTube account, but any business can benefit from a strong video clip online. If you’re confident with your grasp of video, feel free to play and add your spin to it—provided it fits your brand. If not, you can always hire a professional to create a trailer of your spa that can be a part of your portfolio and website.

6. Partner with others.

Locals trust locals. Find a business that’s related to self-care, like gyms, hotels, and salons. Approach one of these businesses and find a way to share a client base. Perhaps you both can offer a discount or create content together. This can go as far as creating a joint campaign showcasing each business’ strong points.

7. Partner up with an influencer.

Social media influencers are a nearly guaranteed way to reach a great number of people. Develop a partnership with a wellness influencer! In the age of influencer marketing, this is a step in the right direction. This partnership gives you access to the influencer’s loyal fanbase that’s already in your niche. Let the influencer decide what content to create, but make sure you’re comfortable with their decision. Consider coming up with a hashtag together to increase engagement and measurability.

Learn more about influencer marketing: Influencer Marketing 101

8. Recognize your fans. 

Rewarding loyalty is always a good idea. Offer discounts or an added benefit to returning customers and referrals. Inform your followers and clients on social media, through emails, and after a visit. There’s a notion that membership programs are a form of elitism, but it all depends on how your membership works. Some of the most popular memberships—like Starbucks Rewards—don’t require additional payment, only registration.

9. Share testimonials.

Take a page from your own reviews and share them online. While investing in an influencer may be a good idea, a solid testimonial from a stranger is bound to catch more skeptical user’s attention. This is especially useful if you make a change based on negative feedback. People love accountability and action.

10. Get familiar with SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a digital marketing strategy that uses search engines to its favor. Perform research on popular keywords related to spas and self-care and use them throughout your content online. Work alongside meta-tags, and be sure to include internal and external links in your content as you see fit.

Make sure to measure your posts and ads’ performance, and remember: just because something isn’t working, it doesn’t mean you have to stop investing in it. Instead, find out what is working and cut what isn’t to make something new. Sometimes, all you need is the right keyword. As with photographers, spa marketing ideas can all benefit from SEO strategies.

11. Venture into live-streaming.

These days, any social media platform is set up to share live streaming. At the start, it may seem intimidating, but it’s easy to get the hang of it. Like blogs and other forms of social media, live streams are an excellent way for users to get to know you. You can showcase your spa, update your viewers with new information about your business, or make a Q&A section. The sky is the limit.

You can make use of the rest of our suggestions in this list to inspire your content. Set up a live stream with a partnered business or invite an influencer. Show off your testimonials and the impact your clients have on your spa. Make sure you interact with the live chat. This makes people feel heard and ensures they stick around for the rest of the livestream. Do they get a discount if they stay until the end? Are you announcing an upcoming event? Have fun with it!

Key takeaway: Stay active and keep the original spa marketing ideas coming!

Coordinated online activity has transformed the spa marketing meaning, making the internet a powerful ally instead of an obstacle. SEO tools measure keyword repetition; clicks, likes, and follows are still the digital currency driving the internet. Your social media doesn’t have to be an expensive investment, but every form of activity can get you closer to more people. It doesn’t matter what you post, but that people get to know you and what you have to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many strategies that can help increase customer traffic to your spa. The key is to have a solid website and social media profile where you constantly post new content and support your strategies through SEO tactics. 

A few strategies that help increase sales include building interesting packages and offering select discounts. Remember that clarity is key in sales, so make sure your landing pages and marketplace are easy to navigate and that any promotions are advertised on your social media.

Try creating content unique to your spa. Share beauty tips on your social media, and set up a gallery of pictures of the treatment and the layout. You can go so far as to partner with an influencer and figure out a mutually beneficial plan.

Digital marketing can only take you so far. Make sure your website and marketplace are easy to navigate and are mobile-compatible. Most online activity and purchases take place on mobile, so make sure your booking system is up to standard.

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GRIN is the pioneer behind the world’s first Creator Management platform built to support every brand’s journey to connecting with consumers through authentic creator relationships. Thousands of the world’s fastest-growing brands—including SKIMS, Warby Parker, Allbirds, Mejuri, and MVMT—use GRIN to make creators feel like trusted, empowered partners and work with them to build their brands into household names.

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