Brand Reputation Part 1: Online Reputation Management for Businesses in 2024

Written by Quinn Schwartz

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In the digital era, your brand’s online image can make or break its success. That means online reputation management for businesses has never been more critical. 

Whether you’re looking to improve your brand’s reputation or hang on to the stellar rep you already have, this blog will give you the tips and tricks you need to get the job done. 

Let’s get right into it!

What is online reputation management?

Online reputation management involves monitoring, influencing, and maintaining the digital perception of your brand. Essentially, it’s about shaping the online narrative to ensure it reflects your brand in the best possible light.

At its core, online reputation management is about proactive and reactive strategies. 

Proactively, it involves creating and sharing positive content, engaging with your audience, and using SEO to ensure favorable information ranks higher in search results. 

Reactively, it’s about addressing negative feedback swiftly and effectively to mitigate potential damage. 

This holistic approach helps maintain trust and credibility, which are crucial for any brand’s success in the digital age.

Why is online reputation management important?

Online reputation management is important because it directly impacts how potential customers perceive your brand. 

The vast majority of people research a brand online before making purchasing decisions. Why? They want to buy from a brand they can trust. Having a positive online reputation is critical to establishing that trust and pulling prospects through the marketing funnel. 

But it’s not just about attracting new customers. It’s about positioning yourself to partners, too. 

Let’s say, for example, your brand wants to leverage influencer marketing. That means you need to go out and find trustworthy creators to represent your brand. 

However, these creators aren’t going to partner with just anyone. They have a reputation to uphold, after all. 

The creators you want to work with (i.e., the ones who have established trust and credibility with their audiences) are looking for the same thing from their brand partners. And that’s what makes online brand reputation management so critical.

Tips and best practices for online reputation management 

1. Monitor your online presence.

Consistently check platforms and communities where your target audience is most active. You might also consider investing in social listening tools to keep up with the conversations about your brand online. This will help you stay informed and respond quickly to any potential issues. 

Nike is one brand whose success in this area has been well-documented. With tools to help monitor conversations and brand mentions across social media, the company can proactively address customers’ small problems before they become big problems. 

2. Engage with your audience.

Respond promptly and professionally to both positive and negative feedback. Show appreciation for positive comments and address negative reviews or complaints with empathy and solutions.

Wendy’s is probably the most well-known brand for interacting with customers online in a fun and engaging way. They’ve built a loyal and engaged following by responding to customer queries and feedback with humor and professionalism.

3. Encourage positive reviews.

Ask satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and industry-specific sites. Make it easy for them by providing direct links to your review pages.

For example, Timberland encourages customers to leave reviews directly on their product pages and through dedicated feedback sections on their website. This approach allows them to track product performance and respond to customer insights effectively​.

4. Optimize your content for SEO.

Ensure that positive content about your brand ranks high in search engine results. Regularly update your website, blog, and social media profiles with relevant, high-quality content.

5. Address negative sentiment.

Mistakes happen. Whether there’s a shipping issue or people just aren’t happy with one of your latest product releases, it’s important to address the criticism head on. Apologize if necessary, provide a solution, and explain what steps you are taking to prevent similar issues in the future​.

Several years ago, KFC UK completely ran out of chicken due to supply chain issues. Rather than coming up with some lame response like “We had supply chain issues,” they straight up owned the mistake in a legendary campaign that got everyone to forget about the #ChickenCrisis for a while.

KFC bucket that says

6. Create high-quality content.

Publish regular blog posts, videos, and social media updates that highlight your brand’s strengths, achievements, and positive customer stories. High-quality content can push down negative search results over time and consistently pull in new fans​​.

Red Bull creates engaging and visually stunning content around extreme sports and adventurous activities. Their content not only aligns with their brand image but also ranks high in search results. Obviously, most brands don’t have a budget like they do, but it’s a good reminder of what top-notch content can do for your brand. 

7. Be transparent.

Transparency builds trust. Be open about your business practices, and communicate clearly with your audience about any issues or changes that may affect them​.

Some brands like Everlane, Patagonia, Buffer, and others have adopted a philosophy known as “radical transparency.” Essentially, this is the practice of openly sharing comprehensive and detailed information about an organization’s operations, financials, decision-making processes, and other internal matters that would traditionally only be known to internal stakeholders. 

8. Regularly audit your online presence.

Conduct regular audits of your website, social media profiles, and other online properties to ensure they are up-to-date, accurate, and reflective of your brand’s current status and values​.

This process might involve reviewing content for relevance and correctness, checking for broken links, and ensuring consistent branding across all platforms. Regular audits help identify areas for improvement and maintain a cohesive online presence that accurately reflects your brand’s identity and goals.

9. Educate your team.

Ensure that everyone in your organization understands the importance of online reputation management. Provide training on best practices for customer interaction and online engagement​.

Be comprehensive with this training. It should cover how to respond to reviews, handle customer complaints effectively, and maintain a positive and consistent brand voice across all digital platforms. By equipping your team with these skills, you can ensure that every interaction reflects your brand’s values and enhances your online reputation.

Three women looking at a phone symbolizing online reputation management for businesses

Influencer marketing’s role in online reputation management for brands

While there is still plenty of room for the strategies above in your online reputation management strategy, many of them might be considered “old-school.” They still work, don’t get us wrong. However, they often lack the authentic, personal touch that today’s consumers crave. 

Influencer marketing, on the other hand, activates creators who can vouch for your brand in a more relatable and impactful way. Rather than just managing reviews or issuing press releases, influencer marketing allows brands to embed themselves throughout organic conversations led by individuals who already have an audience’s trust. 

For example, a glowing product review from an influencer feels more like a recommendation from a friend rather than a brand trying to sell something. This kind of authentic engagement can be more persuasive and effective than traditional methods, as it leverages the influencer’s relationship with their audience to build trust and credibility for your brand​.

In a nutshell, while traditional online reputation management techniques are about controlling the narrative, influencer marketing is about becoming part of the narrative. It’s about leveraging authentic voices to enhance your brand’s reputation in a way that feels genuine and resonates deeply with today’s savvy consumers.

Key takeaway: Online reputation management for businesses has never been more critical in 2024 and beyond. 

With the rapid evolution of digital landscapes, brands must prioritize online reputation management more than ever. In 2024, consumers are more connected and informed, making it essential for brands to maintain a positive online presence. 

Effective reputation management not only builds trust and loyalty but also differentiates your brand in a competitive market. Utilizing strategies like influencer marketing alongside traditional methods can create a robust and authentic brand image, ensuring long-term success and resilience against potential reputational threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the top 10 ways you can manage your business’ online reputation:

  1. Monitor your online presence so gauge brand sentiment and address small problems before they become big problems.
  2. Engage with your audience on social media.
  3. Encourage positive reviews from happy customers.
  4. Optimize for SEO so positive content appears first in search results.
  5. Address negative sentiment head-on.
  6. Create high-quality content.
  7. Be transparent with your customers about your wins and losses.
  8. Regularly audit your online presence to remain accurate and consistent across all platforms.
  9. Educate your team on best practices for managing your online reputation.
  10. Work with creators who can humanize your brand and make you appear more authentic and trustworthy.

Yes, online reputation management works effectively by enhancing brand trust, driving customer loyalty, and mitigating negative perceptions.

Online brand reputation management is the practice of monitoring, influencing, and maintaining a positive perception of a brand across digital platforms. It involves tracking online mentions, managing reviews, engaging with customers on social media, and optimizing search results to highlight positive content.

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Written by Quinn Schwartz

Quinn studied journalism at the University of Kentucky and now lives in Portland, Oregon. He’s particularly interested in storytelling in digital marketing and cost-effective creator strategies for smaller brands. When he’s not writing, you can find him at a concert, dog park, or debating whether or not to go on a run.

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