Interested to learn more about GRIN?

Watch our Demo today.

Watch Mini Demo 1

Discover Influencers

Build an army of authenticated content creators with powerful discovery tools.

Watch Mini Demo 2

Manage Relationships

From emailing influencers to shipping product, GRIN makes the day-to-day management of influencer marketing easy.

Watch Mini Demo 3

Report & Track ROI

Analyze individual and campaign level metrics. Sales, revenue, costs, and ROI.

Watch the Demo

See how GRIN can 10X your influencer marketing today

Join 1,000+ Small to Enterprise Ecommerce Brands

Watch Mini Demo 4

GRIN integrates everything into one, refreshingly intuitive suite, allowing my team to accomplish much more in a fraction of the time.

Greg Connolly

Founder & CEO at Trifecta

Watch Mini Demo 5
Watch Mini Demo 6

I have gone from 1.5 employees managing our influencer program to .5 employees all while tripling the amount of partnerships.

Keri O’Brien

Director of Marketing
and Sales at Darn Good Yarn

Watch Mini Demo 7
Watch Mini Demo 8

Finding GRIN was one of the biggest tools for our business to scale. We were able to take this one sales channel of influencer marketing and make it multiple sales channels.

Andrea Faulkner Willams

Co-Founder & CEO at Tubby Todd

Watch Mini Demo 9

GRIN's Discovery Suite


Supercharge Your
Influencer Discovery Efforts

Discovery Suite

Supercharge Your Influencer Discovery Efforts

GRIN's NEW Discovery Suite

Discovery Suite
Compare the Time of a Manual Process vs. GRIN
Compare the Time of a Manual Process vs. GRIN
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GRIN + Uber Case Study

How did one person build Uber's robust TikTok community from scratch?

Find out here
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Introducing GRIN
Professional Services

Our team of experts is ready to drive the results you need.

Learn more