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Influencer Marketing Software

Connect with the best influencers, gain attribution, and access reporting. Make relationship management, influencer tracking, payment, seamless ecommerce workflows, and product seeding management easier.

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Discover Influencers

Creating influencer networks and managing your influencer database has never been easier.

LP - Influencer Marketing Software - PPC 2

Manage Relationships

Send emails, ship products, repurpose content, and more, all from a single dashboard.

LP - Influencer Marketing Software - PPC 3

Report & Track ROI

Analyze individual and campaign level metrics, sales, revenue, etc.

Influencer in the middle of two boxes

Book a Demo

What is your first name?

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What is your last name?

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What is your email?

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What is your phone number?

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How many influencers do you work with?

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Which industry vertical are you associated with?

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How many employees do you have?

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What best describes you?




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GRIN + Uber Case Study

How did one person build Uber's robust TikTok community from scratch?

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