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Influencer Marketing Software for Twitter

Connect with the best influencers, gain attribution, and access reporting. Make relationship management, influencer tracking, payment, seamless ecommerce workflows, and product seeding management easier.

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Discover Influencers

No more wading through countless irrelevant posts to find what you’re looking for.

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Manage Relationships

Manage influencer marketing from a single dashboard. Send emails, ship products, repurpose content, and more.

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Report & Track ROI

Analyze individual and campaign level metrics. Sales, revenue, costs, likes, comments, views, and ROI.

Influencer in the middle of two boxes

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See how GRIN can 10X your Twitter influencer marketing today

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Join 700+ of the World’s Fastest Growing Brands

Twitter Influencer Marketing Software

GRIN gives you all the tools you need to move off spreadsheets and amplify your influencer marketing programs. From influencer recruitment tools to find and manage the best Facebook influencers, ecommerce integrations that allow you to fulfill product, to the most detailed reporting on the market, GRIN has every function of your influencer marketing covered.

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Partner with and manage all your Twitter influencers to drive real results

That’s the GRIN difference, and that’s why we are the industry leader for ecommerce brands. Our all-in-one influencer marketing platform is a software solution that allows brands to build high performing influencer programs.

No commissions, no middleman, just software that gives brands the tools to see real results.

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Software built for
influencer marketing

GRIN is the all-in-one platform that helps you find, recruit, and manage authentic relationships to build big-time brand love.

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Reporting and
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Product Seeding
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and Recruit

What our customers are saying

Our happy customers love how
GRIN scales their business

Neil Blumenthal stylized headshot

GRIN’s business model is another great example of removing industry barriers to reduce cost and streamline experiences. They are transforming the creator economy by giving brands direct access to creator relationships, which has a long-term impact on consumer awareness and perception.


Co-Founder & Ceo at Tubby Todd

Andrew Faulkner Williams stylized headshot

Finding GRIN was one of the biggest tools for our business to scale. We were able to take this one sales channel of influencer marketing and make it multiple sales channels

Andrea Faulkner Willams

Founder & CEO at Trifecta

Greg Connolly stylized headshot

GRIN integrates everything into one, refreshingly intuitive suite, allowing my team to accomplish much more in a fraction of the time

Greg Connolly

Founder & CEO at Trifecta

GRIN + Uber Case Study

How did one person build Uber's robust TikTok community from scratch?

Find out here
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Professional Services

Our team of experts is ready to drive the results you need.

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